Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I don't want to write the paper I should be working on right now. The main challenge with most of the writing I am expected to do for the teaching program is that I am supposed to express the "feelings" that the topic brings out in me and relate this to my past experiences. Now I realize that this doesn't sound that challenging, and in a lot of ways it isn't. For one thing, the amount of research required is minimal. However, the problem with this whole "feelings" thing is that I generally only have 2 feelings about the topics discussed in our classes. Feeling #1: That was pretty fun, I liked it. Feeling #2: That wasn't very fun. I didn't like it. This is completely the opposite of a lot of the people in this program who have WAY too many feelings. One girl even cried. It was ridiculous.

In an attempt to try to fit in better with some of my classmates (not the crier though...she's just insane), I have decided to start practicing the different emotions so that I can bring them out on command in my classes. The emotions that seem to be used the most by my classmates are: insulted, angry, overwhelmed, sad, and happy. I'm already pretty good at happy, so I'm going to start off by focusing on the other 4. I'll keep you posted on my progress.


Anonymous said...

Although not a feeling usually encouraaged in teachers, I find confusion to be an easy one to acheive. I might recommend starting with that!

Anonymous said...

Having gone to teacher's college myself, I often found myself being ANNOYED by the other candidates in my class and I LIKE PEOPLE (for da most part). Teacher's college, loved it but don't miss it ;) I've realized that everything I learned in my classes is not being used in my teaching ... now there's a thought ... yikes! Just get the piece of paper and you're set, that's all. But do make friends cos there are some keepers there fosho ;) ~McPareen