Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I don't want to write the paper I should be working on right now. The main challenge with most of the writing I am expected to do for the teaching program is that I am supposed to express the "feelings" that the topic brings out in me and relate this to my past experiences. Now I realize that this doesn't sound that challenging, and in a lot of ways it isn't. For one thing, the amount of research required is minimal. However, the problem with this whole "feelings" thing is that I generally only have 2 feelings about the topics discussed in our classes. Feeling #1: That was pretty fun, I liked it. Feeling #2: That wasn't very fun. I didn't like it. This is completely the opposite of a lot of the people in this program who have WAY too many feelings. One girl even cried. It was ridiculous.

In an attempt to try to fit in better with some of my classmates (not the crier though...she's just insane), I have decided to start practicing the different emotions so that I can bring them out on command in my classes. The emotions that seem to be used the most by my classmates are: insulted, angry, overwhelmed, sad, and happy. I'm already pretty good at happy, so I'm going to start off by focusing on the other 4. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A girl on the train

A girl sitting across from me on the train today took off her shoe, smelled it, and put it back on. I don't know how to respond to that.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Overwhelmed by toothpaste

I saw a toothpaste commerical on TV today that I can't stop thinking about. The toothpaste is Aquafresh White and Shine. Basically the message of the commercial is that this toothpaste will not only make your teeth white, it will also make them shiny! So apparently now its not good enough to have white teeth, they have to be shiny...go ahead and start feeling unnecessarily self-conscious now. At first the only goal was clean teeth, then they threw whitening in their and now they've added shiny. Based on this trend, I'm guessing the next step is tooth glitter. I can't wait.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Update on the TV remotes

So about an hour after I wrote my entry about the TV remotes Brinkley got another one! This time it was the remote for Sheena's DVD player...whoopsies! I was searching for a sock in my closet and he snuck downstairs and took the remote. As it turns out I think the reason I couldn't find the sock was because Brinkley ate it. Also, Sheena and I recounted and between the remotes he has destroyed at my house combined with the remotes he has destroyed at my parents house the count is actually up to 8.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mourning the loss of TV remotes #4 and 5

Brinkley destroyed 2 TV remotes today. The first one was my fault. I accidentally left it sitting on the coffee table and went into the kitchen for a few seconds. I was going into the kitchen to get a handful of chocolate chips, yes I eat chocolate chips right out of the bag...don't try to pretend you don't do the same thing. In Brinkley-land leaving the TV remote on the coffee table is apparently a clear invitation to take the remote. It really only takes him one good chomp to destroy the remote...I wonder if they make titanium TV remotes?

(The second TV remote lost its life while I was having a shower. Brinkley managed to open the drawer where I keep the TV remote and destroyed it along with a pen. There is also a pretty good chance he ate a hair elastic.)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Winter Activities #2

Winter activity #1 is taken care of. My friend Steph and I are going to take climbing lessons! I'm really excited about it. From what I can tell climbing has some of the same benefits as yoga (makes you stronger, bendier, more coordinated) but without all the standing still and crazy breathing. I'm still looking into Skeleton as the other potential activity. The COP website doesn't have any information on it anymore, but a girl that I go to school with knows some of the bobsledder/luger/skeleton-ers so she's going to try to find some info for me.

YAY! So excited!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Winter Activities

I'm in the process of trying to sort out my activities for this winter. I figure that with school and the dog I can probably manage one evening activity during the week and then another activity on Friday and potentially something else on the weekend. Here are the ideas I have so far:
  • (un)hibernation league
  • skeleton
  • pottery
  • yoga
  • pilates
  • skate skiing

At the moment I think that I will forsure have (un)hibernation league, and maybe yoga during the day on Friday, and then hopefully skeleton or skate skiing sometime during the week.