Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ricky's Blog

Ricky has asked me to include his blog in my rating system. Since I know Ricky, and his current blog is going to give me a lot of material to work with I've agreed to add him. So here we go:

Ricky's latest blog entry is pretty awesome. It doesn't exactly present Ricky in the most flattering light, but I like that kind of honesty. As far as Ricky's current problems with the ladies go I think I may have identified the main problem.

Ricky, you need to take on a more active role. By giving girls your number and expecting them to call you you're putting all the power in their hands...if they don't call, there's nothing you can do about it. Also, you're placing them outside their comfort zone...I hate to break it to you, but girls don't call boys. Boys call girls. Take their least that way you have some control over the situation. Rating: 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a 4. Thats the higest for any amateur blogger :-)