Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Blog

Well, its finally happened...I've started a blog. Whoa. Scary. To be honest I'm pretty nervous about the whole idea. Rationally I know that very few people will actually read this thing and compared to the other idiots out there ranting away on their blogs chances are this will come out somewhere in the middle in terms of humour/interest/proper spelling. But despite knowing that I'm still pretty nervous. Here are the main reasons why:

1. I'm lazy. This means that there is a pretty good chance I won't update this thing as often as I should, and we all know there's nothing worse than those jerks who create a blog and then never update it.
2. I'm pretty sure I don't actually have that much to say.
3. I'm not that funny in print
4. I'm not good at taking pictures (from what I've seen pictures are a key element to any half decent blog)
5. There's a pretty good chance that at some point my dog will decide to eat my computer and then I won't be able to update my blog and you'll all think I'm a big jerk even though it’s entirely beyond my control.

Despite these fears, I'm still committed to giving this whole blog thing a go. I have a few main plans for my blog so far:

1. Rating other people's blogs. I am an excellent procrastinator (one of my best features really), which means I read the 5 blogs that I know about everyday. I've linked these blogs to this one so that all of you can decide if you agree with my ratings or not. Basically I'll be rating these blogs on the quality of their latest update, or lack of update.

2. Letting you know what bizarre things my dog has eaten/done today.

3. Random updates about anything I feel like. I'm really trying to embrace the true spirit of blogging with this one. So far this is the part I'm the most nervous about.



A said...

Well... It's Day 2... Cmon Mer... Where's post #2!

Mer said...

I'm working on it!