Saturday, November 18, 2006

procrastination strikes again

Procrastination has been getting the better of me lately. I just can't seem to convince myself to get anything done, especially school work and laundry. If this keeps up I may just have to buy new clothes. In addition this blog has also taken a bit of a hit due to my procrastination. So, in an attempt to rectify the situation here are a few things that I've been thinking about lately but haven't managed to get into print:

  1. Short people. Short Pants: Why do I keep seeing short people in excessively short pants? Inevitably the people in short pants are also wearing white socks and bad shoes which only makes things worse and apparently these people are completely oblivious to the breeze on their ankles. I mean I can understand that tall people who don't care about their clothes sometimes end up with short pants because their legs are just too long for regular pants, but these short people actually had to put in effort to make their pants too short...they had to get them hemmed like that! Is this some sort of sick joke being played by tailors all across Calgary?
  2. Bathroom reno: I'm renovating the bathroom. Today I had to go choose tile at the contractor approved tile store. The lady who was "helping" me was horrible...she was one of those people who is determined to do the least amount of work possible while at work without any consideration for the difficulty this will cause for the customer. Here's how our conversation went: I said: " I'm renovating my bathroom. My contractor said I needed to come here to choose tile. I think I like this tile here but I would like to take it home to see what it looks like in my bathroom. Can I do that?" Her response: "Well, I can't let you take the sample we have out here, so I'd have to check in the back for another sample" - awkward pause - Then I said: " Ok, I can just keep looking while you go check" -awkward pause - Then she said: "Oh, well I guess you can probably take the one out here if you can bring it back on Monday". Then i said:" Ok, could you tell me the price on this tile?" and she said: "Well I'd have to go to the back to get that"...I think you get the idea. This is when you really start to see the negative effects of the labour shortage...I think I'd prefer if they just hired monkeys or something.
  3. I had more things I was going to write about...procrastination and juvenile alzheimers is not a good combination.

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