Thursday, November 01, 2007


I've decided to give bar soap another chance. I'm not sure exactly when it happened but at some point I started using bodywash and gave up on bar soap. So far the bar soap is working out pretty well. It is a lot cheaper and has way less packaging than bodywash which are both great features. The only problem so far is that the first bar went missing after about a week...I'm pretty sure the dog ate it. Whoops!


A said...

or your luffa ate it. Remeber what I told you!

Mer said...

Usually I would agree with you, except that I found teeth marks in the latest bar and my loofa doesn't have teeth.

Kath Boyer said...

I'm surprised there was any doubt about where the bar went. The dog a) will eat anything (if 14+ remotes are any indication) and b) he does seem to have a particular love for the bathtub.

Jenny said...

Hmm... soap must be making a comeback all over the place. It is also good at keeping mice away!

Anonymous said...

did you reuse it once you found it?

Mer said...

The bar with teeth marks? Of course I reused it. Is that gross?