Friday, July 04, 2008

The latest Brinkley saga

As some of you have already heard Brinkley spent Monday and Tuesday at the vet hospital. He woke up on Monday morning and couldn't use his back legs. Needless to say I was completely freaked out and terrified he was going to be paralyzed forever. Luckily, after approx. $2000 in vet bills he seems to be doing much better now. The current diagnosis is that he had severe gastroenteritis and an injured leg all at the same time. The gastroenteritis resulted from eating 2 socks, 2 loaves of bread, and a whole bunch of deer poop. The injured leg is apparently a strained (hopefully not torn) ACL in his right hind leg. I am trying to figure out how to post the x-rays, no luck so far though.

All of this means that he is on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and isn't allowed to do any activity for 2 weeks. Those of you who know Brinkley will understand that there is likely to be a certain amount of destruction after 2 weeks of no walks. I will be sure to post any destroyed items for all of you to enjoy.

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