Sunday, August 12, 2007

My new goals

Now that we're getting to the end of the summer I've decided it's time to set some new goals. I guess I've decided that I need goals in order to keep myself from spending all of my time napping. So, here it goes:

  1. Learn how to play the guitar. I think this is an important skill for an elementary school teacher. My playschool teacher, Brenda, played the guitar and I still remember that.
  2. Get better at frisbee. If I'm going to keep playing this game I need to be better at's starting to become embarrassing.
  3. Be more organized. I'm basically a complete disaster. It is a complete miracle that I am able to pay my bills on time.
  4. Learn about moderation. I need to learn how to buy a box of fudgsicles and not eat them all in three days.
I think I better stop there. That seems like a lot of stuff to accomplish. I think I need a nap.


Jenny said...

Remember Mer - to be better at frisbee all you have to do is work on your running, catching and throwing ;)

Mer said...

Well that should be easy enough. Thanks Jenn!

Justin said...

Besides Brenda, that list applies perfectly to me.

Mer said...

Have you figured out how to actually accomplish any of them yet? I'm a bit stuck on that part. Although Jenn's suggestions are pretty helpful.