Saturday, March 10, 2007

Home Alone

My housemate went to visit her sister for a few days so it's just me and the dog at home this weekend. I'm really bad at living alone. Here are a few reasons why:
  1. I'm not very good at entertaining myself.
  2. I start talking to the dog (more than usual).
  3. I watch too many home improvement shows and then feel bad about what my house looks like.
  4. I get a bit too chatty with strangers at the coffee shop.
  5. I get scared when its dark and have to check for bad guys around every corner like the cops on TV.

I'm always curious what percentage of the population prefers to live alone? I guess it would have some advantages such as not having to worry about your dog ruining other peoples stuff and being able to walk around in your underpants, but at this point I'm willing to forgo those potential benefits for the piece of mind that comes with knowing the bad guys only have a 50/50 chance of getting to me first.


Anonymous said...

you say the advantage is being able to walk around in your underpants (living with justin never stopped me from doing that). when the real advantage is being to walk around in your birthday suit.

Mer said...

sorry, my mistake.