Sunday, December 10, 2006

Unhibernation League

It's time to start up the unhibernation league again. Really it was time to start up the league in October, but I was lazy and busy getting used to being in school and didn't get my act together. So, I think the league should start after January 7th. Here are a few ideas I have so far:
  • Climbing
  • Speed Skating (either Steph or Maarten will need to be recruited in order for this one to work I think.)
  • Roller Skating
  • Skeleton
  • Andrew's annual scavenger hunt

I'm pretty excited for the league to start up again. I had a lot of fun last year!


Kath Boyer said...

a few suggestions from your former activity planner.
disco bowling
laser tag
Go karting- there use to be a place out at the old crossraods market. SO MUCH FUN!

Justin said...

What about a rampage through Kensignton like last year during October when you had the potluck? Or was that pre-unhibernation league? Either way it was damn funny, and good times... at least for those in the rampage. Word on the street is that Spleen likes Jagermiester.

he he... Ive litteraly been laughing out loud for two mintues thinking about it.

Mer said...

hehehe yes, I think another rampage through Kensington is a mandatory part of the league. Spleen should probably start preparing himself now!

A said...

The Highlight for me was when the above, puked, and Brinkley tried to eat it the next day. Gee Whiz.

Mer said...

yeah, that was great...